Using pure CSS to generate HTML from dynamic backend code?


I'd like to know if there are an examples of CSS being used, where it's generated dynamically and the data content varying according to information from a database, say?

I can understand and agree how CSS is a much better way of designing websites. But, having looked around, I can't find any dynamic websites that use pure CSS - i.e. without tables.

I would say that, tables, like them or hate them are more better sutied for dynamic content.
How much of a controversial statement is this!?

I recently posted a question asking about dynamic content. I said that I could understand how a table would cope - anything below would simply be pushed down. But, I said that I couldn't quite understand how I could achieve the same with pure CSS code without tables.

The answers I got, weren't satisfactory. Apparently, if you have IE, then it will autmaticall adjust and fit the content in a DIV, but other browsers require you to give precise dimensions. Though not impossible, this would make the backend code much more complex to accomodate?

Any feedback to any of the above would be appreciated.


JamIt depends on the layout you choose. If you can define in your backend that it writes the main column to have <div id"maincol"> before it and </div> at the end then there should be no problem, provided you choose the right layout.can u think of any CSS websites that are created from a database backend?
i'm thinking of doing this... but i want to see a few working examples first!
thanks.I think pyro's using a database backend here; <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="'s">'s</a><!-- m --> apples and oranges. Whether a site's presentation is done with CSS or tables has nothing whatsoever to do with how the content is generated.I don't have any problems at all with dynamically generated content and css layouts. Although now you mention it. I dread to think of some of the algorythms one might have to come up with for some table layouts. Y'know, like taking the screen res of the user and working that in with string lengths and cell widths to try and estimate on screen content length in an attempt to evaluate what rowspan or colspan would best be set to, to prevent the whole page from stretching its self out of any comprehensible shape. *shudder*erm... is that in favour of what i said or against? :confused:
it kinda reads both ways to me! :)I'm saying that now you made me think about table layout for dynamic content, there's no way in hell I'd ever do it. Tables are just far too restrictive. Say you have a column of some small cells next to a large cell. The content in the small cells can change size. The number of content items could also change. To prevent a table layout from completely destroying its self in those circumstances you have to have some rather complex exquations going on to calculate the correct colspan and rowspan values for certain cells. Not only would the maths involved be bordering on the ludicrous, but it would also depend entirely on too many easily cangable variables which simply can not be accounted for. Such as font size and family for example.

Obviously plenty of sites have been made with dynamic content and tables, but I'll bet none of them ever came out the way they were originally intended, didn't take a considerable amount of un-necessary time and effort to complete and work in many (if any) browsers other than IE.