Using preg_split to split with a delimiter OR every x characters


New Member
Hello ||||overflow crowd :)I'm afraid I couldn't find an answer anywhere, so here goes:My code:\[code\]$stuff = '00#00#e0#12#ff#a3#00#01#b0#23#91#00#00#e4#11#ff#a2#'; //not exact, just a random example$output = preg_split('/(?:[a-f0-9#]{12}| ff# )/', $stuff);\[/code\]My expectations:\[code\]Array( [0] => 00#00#e0#12# [1] => a3#00#01#b0# [2] => 23#91#00#00# [3] => e4#11## [4] => a2#)\[/code\]Long story short, I'm trying to split on every occurance of ff# or every 12 characters if there's no delimiter in sight.Alternative suggestions are welcome as well, just thought preg_split would be able to do that; I just suck at regex :(Thanks in advance for your time!