Using popup windows NEED HELP!!


Staff member
i'm creating a scheduling system for my client. there is a main form with all of the appointments information to be viewd by the user with two buttons at the bottom. 1(UpDate) 2(Cancel) when the user pushes the cancel button a pop up screen appears with a drop down list containing cancel reasons for the user to choose. on the pop up screen there is a button marked "cancel" when the user hits the button to finalize the cancellation the pop up window closes and sends the reason to a text box on the main form. now i need the main form to reload so it will update the information into the database. here is my code.
on the main form this finction is declared...

function cancelwindow(file,window) {
msgwindow=open(file,window,'resizable=no, width=625, height=325');
if (msgwindow.opener == null) msgwindow.opener = self;
and called at this point...

<input type="Button" value="Cancel Job Request" ONCLICK="cancelwindow('popcancelreason.asp','window2')">

on the popup window i'm using this function...

function setform () {
opener.document.outputform.outputfield.value = document.inputform.inputfield.value;

return false;

and it is called at this point...

<form name="inputform" onSubmit="return setform();">

everything works fine at this point but i can not get the main form to reload after the reason has been added to the host page. I'm using ASP with Javascript i do not know if that will help. Any help is greatly appreciated. thanks in advance.

Lucas Haines:confused: