Using nokogiri to parse XML and create records with multiple attributes


New Member
Feels like I'm missing something pretty obvious here but can't see it.I have an XML file and are using the Nokogiri gem.The XML looks like this (imagine if you will an infinite amount of 'variants'):\[code\]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <products> <variant> <sku type="string">123abc</sku> <inventory-quantity type="integer">68</inventory-quantity> </variant> <variant> <sku type="string">321cba</sku> <inventory-quantity type="integer">22</inventory-quantity> </variant></products>\[/code\]I want to loop over the variants and create a corresponding record for each that contains the 'sku' and 'inventory-quantity' attributes. This is what I've got so far, but instead of creating individual records, in the above case it creates two records and inserts the complete array or NodeSet that Nokogiri returns into each records attribute. So this:\[code\]doc = Nokogiri::XML("#{Rails.root}/public/new.xml")) variant = doc.xpath("//variant")variant.each do |product| sku = product.xpath("//sku").text quan = product.xpath("//inventory-quantity").text Productmapping.create(:sku => sku, :product_quantity => quan)end\[/code\]creates this...\[code\]sku inventory-quantity123abc321cba 6822123abc321cba 6822\[/code\]Where I actually want:\[code\]sku inventory-quantity123ab 68321cba 22\[/code\]It looks like it's because the xpath locator returns all occurrences into an array and I'm calling that array and inserting it for each record.Thanks!