Using Linux Bash Script to get data from XML file


New Member
I have a XML files with data in it that I need to extract with a Linux Bash Script. For example, I need everything in the brackets and to print out in terminal accordingly (first name in next to first description).What is the best way to do this? I was able to do it with c# using XPath, but I can't do that simply using a Linux Bash Script correct? I know I can get most of it done with awk, sed, grep, cut ect, but I don't think (actually I know I am not) doing it properly. I am at a point were I extracted description data to a file and name to a file, but after a few hours, I realized this is not the best/proper way. Example of how it should read is.
  • name1 - description1
  • name2 - description2
  • name3 - (blank)
  • name4 - description3
Thank you!If I can add any detail to make it clearer, please let me know! (Brain is a little fried from a long day at work)Sample XML (simplified it down to one instance)\[code\]<zabbix_export><templates> <template> <items> <item> <name>Available memory</name> <description>Available memory is defined as free+cached+buffers memory.</description> </item> </items> </template><templates> \[/code\]How it should read out:\[code\]<name>Available memory</name> - <description>Available memory is defined as free+cached+buffers memory.</description><name>Another Name</name> - <description>Another Description</description><name>Another Name</name> - <description>Another Description</description><name>Another Name</name> - <description>Another Description</description>\[/code\]