Using JavaScript to show and hide PHP echoed XML data

I'm using PHP to echo out 50 video id's from an XML file. I use the video id's to embed 50 YouTube videos into my website. This works fine but I need to isolate the videos two at a time. I don't want the user to see all fifty videos at once. I want them to see two, then click next, see another two, then maybe click back, etc. etc. Here's what I have so far:\[code\]$url = "http://www.theURLofmyXML.blah";$xml = simplexml_load_file($url);$i = 0;while ($i < 49) {$title = (string) $xml->query->results->item[$i]->title;$videoid = (string) $xml->query->results->item[$i]->id;$explanation = (string) $xml->query->results->item[$i]->explanation;$i = $i + 1;echo $title."<br />";echo '<iframe width="400" height="225" src="'.$videoid.'?rel=0&autohide=1&showinfo=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe><br/>';echo $explanation."<br /><br />";}\[/code\]So I think the best thing to do is echo all fifty items to the page inside divs labeled 0 to 49...then use JavaScript to hide all divs except 0 and 1 until you click a next button and it switches to hiding everything except 2 and 3...and so on...But I'm not sure how to do that in JavaScript/jQuery. I think using .show() and .hide() would work but I'm not sure of the syntax.