Using janrain's OpenId php libs' test scripts. (PHPUnit)


New Member
I'm trying to run the test scripts that come with JanRain's php openid libraries. I've installed PHPUnit using pear. When I try to run the scripts I get:\[quote\] Fatal error: Class 'PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase' not found in /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openid/openid/Tests/Auth/OpenID/StoreTest.php on line 72 \[/quote\]I'm sure this is a really simple issue. I just can't figure out what's wrong.I don't see anywhere that the PHPUnit files get included, so do I need to make them automatically included somewhere?server info:'m using the latest git sources:'m trying to run the test stuff because I get "OpenID authentication failed: Nonce already used or out of range" every other time I try to login and I'm trying to find where the issue is.)