using in imagae mames like big%house.jpg

I found this site <br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
<br />
that uses url encoding style name like<br />
big%house.jpg <br />
<br />
when I try to rename my pics and put a link to a picture with a name like that the browser will not accept it <br />
e.g.<br />
<br />
<html><br />
<body><br />
<img src="big%house.jpg"><br />
</body><br />
</html><br />
<br />
the funny thing is that you can see his images from his server but when I try it locly on win (apache) or even in linux (apache) it will not show the pic<br />
<br />
any ideas??<!--content-->that's what happens when you have a space in your filename. e.g. big house.jpg becomes big%20house.jpg when it's uploaded.<br />
<br />
Not a recommended technique.<!--content-->Do you have any idea why did it work for this guy???<br />
the files just load regularly on any browser I chaecked on any mechine win/linux win xp win 98<!--content-->The names of the files have spaces in them. When you look at the files in a browser, the %20 replaces a space.<!--content-->I realize that %20 replaces space on the broser my question is how is it that this site can put names with spaces in between then and I can't??<!--content-->It may depend how you upload your files. Some methods allow spaces. In any case, it's my personal opinion that %20 in the filename looks unprofessional anyway...<!--content-->I agree...Underscore looks better. And can usually be used to access the file too.<!--content-->