Using HealthMonitoring in non-Web apps


I'm looking into logging options for a set of libraries used by both Windows and Web apps (as well as the apps themselves). I was tending toward log4net but just discovered the HealthMonitoring framework in System.Web.Management. It looks quite good, but I'm concerned about it's "web-centricity" (excuse me). The basic functionality doesn't seem particularly web-oriented, yet it's certainly presented as such (not in the least by being in that namespace).

I know that I'd miss out on the default configuration in the base web.config. I know that the heartbeat doesn't work (at least I assume it doesn't, unless I build a heartbeat into the win apps myself). I'm not thrilled about referencing the System.Web assembly in assemblies that have nothing to do with the web.

Other than the above, what are the implications of using this framework in Windows applications? Any known downsides? Any experiences out there?

Thanks, David