So I read the solutions regarding making the spacing go away when using inline-block as opposed to floats: if you're using haml and want to put the closing tag on the same line as the next opening tag, is there is a solution besides switching to ERB?(and no, I don't want to mess with a css property of the parent container and have to override that in all the child elements).This breaks (has spacing between the anchors).So is it true that in spite of the recommendations to do such layouts using inline-block as opposed to floats, it seems that floats are still the way to go, especially when using haml?CSS\[code\]nav a { display: inline-block; padding: 5px; background: red;}\[/code\]HTML\[code\]<nav> <a href="">One</a> <a href="">Two</a> <a href="">Three</a></nav>\[/code\]Workaround (css-tricks one):\[code\]<ul> <li> one</li><li> two</li><li> three</li></ul>\[/code\]or\[code\]<ul> <li>one</li ><li>two</li ><li>three</li></ul>\[/code\]another one:\[code\]<ul> <li>one</li><!-- --><li>two</li><!-- --><li>three</li></ul>\[/code\]