Using get-Property method to read http post parameters


New Member
First let me explain what I am trying then I shall get to the problem I am facing...I am using wso2 esb to create a proxy web service such that I can send http post request to an exisiting web serive. Consider SimpleStockQuote web service hosted in the sample axis2 server. Now I want to proxy it and send the symbol via http post request. Can someone explain how it can be done?Currently simplestockquote service accepts and replies in soap message format only. I am thinking about using some xslt transformation. Any link to a working sample woud be a lot of help.Thanks in advance.!!This can serve as an example of what I actually want...Right now I can send post request to my proxy or the service directly of the form : curl "http://localhost:8280/services/StockQuoteProxy" -X POST -d 'IBM' -v -H "Content-Type: text/xml" -H "SOAPACtion: urn:getQuote"And it works now I want my request to be of the form : curl "http://localhost:8280/services/StockQuoteProxy" -X POST -d 'function=getQuote&synbol=IBM' -v