Using frames / hotlink protection


I have a frame on my site that streams musics, so when you browse different pages, the music doesnt start over :/ I suppose a number of people really enjoy the song, and instead of hosting it on their site and linking, they hotlink from my stream file. My stream file is an html with a .wma embed <br />
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Is there anyway I can keep people from stealing my bandwidth by hotlinking my html? Or are there any suggestions on .htacess that can prohibit certain sites from hotlinking my pages? Thanks in advance<!--content-->hotlinking html, no such thing. that is usually called linking to your site. unless they copied your page word from word and hosting it on there site, then that is copyright infringment.<br />
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but you can stop hotlinking of your music. you will have to use modrewrite in a htaccess file. i fyou can't sue this file then you are out of luck.<!--content-->