Using exslt:node-set() on converted parsed XML


New Member
Using something similar to the answer found in this question I put together a function based off to create an XML result tree fragment that I loaded into a variable.I was able to convert this XML\[code\] <Summary> <Summary>
<Category>Tuition and Fees</Category>
</Summary>\[/code\]to this\[code\]<Summary> <Category> <Category>Tuition and Fees</Category> <TotalDebits>0.00</TotalDebits> <TotalCredits>-3509.45</TotalCredits> </Category> <Category> <Category>Miscellaneous</Category> <TotalDebits>60.62</TotalDebits> <TotalCredits>-234.36</TotalCredits> </Category></Summary>\[/code\]which is contained in this variable\[code\] <xsl:variable name="SummaryItems"> <xsl:call-template name="TheGreatUnescape"> <xsl:with-param name="escaped" select="string(//Summary)" /> </xsl:call-template> </xsl:variable>\[/code\]Now my issue is that I'm trying to use \[code\]exslt:node-set()\[/code\] to gain access to the nodes within this variable but I'm not getting any information. When using a function like \[code\]<xsl:for-each select="exslt:node-set($SummaryItems)/Summary/Category">\[/code\]it produces no result. I did include the \[code\]xmlns:exslt=""\[/code\] declaration in the \[code\]xsl:stylesheet\[/code\] and I've tested the \[code\]node-set\[/code\] function so I know it works just not with the converted XML in the variable. Have I created a real result tree fragment using that code that \[code\]exslt:node-set\[/code\] can access?