Using COM-objects on a linux PHP 5.x


Hello all.

I have tried to use COM-objects in a PHP script running on a Linux server with PHP 5.x. I keep getting a "class not found" error and after Google the problem I'm a bit confused.

Is it possible to create and use COM-objects on a Linux PHP distr.?

There are some indecation that this isn't possible?

Any Id闁峴?There are some indecation that this isn't possible?

Let's check the manual...


COM functions are only available for the Windows version of PHP.

I think that pretty much gives a clear answer, eh?Yep. That says it all. But Is there any third party projects that allow PHP to call a windows application with D-COM?Almost certainly, there is some way of using a third party (possibly commercial) component to call a DCOM component.

But I wouldn't consider it a sound way of building an application. Why not port the COM class to a Linux app, perhaps invoke it from the CLI. Or consider writing a simple HTTP-based service on win32 to call your component's methods.

What is the use case? What does the component do? Is it internally or externally developed?

If you're thinking about using any MSOffice components, forget it. They're not reliable enough for production use (even on win32 normally).

MarkWell. The use case is a ekonomy-system running on a Windows NT server that I want my webb-app (running on a Linux server) to put input to. The ekonomy system have only got a COM interface to work with