using cdonts/cdo for mail in win2000


Please can someone help. I have Windows 2000 on IIS5.0. I have written a form, on submit I want the form deatils to be sent to an email address. Am using ASP with CDONTS. Am I supposed to use CDO and what is the difference? It works in a sense, I get the contents of the form in the badmail folder on IIS, no error.I am trying to determine where the problem is as the mail has to go through a Groupwise Internet Agent before it reaches my SMTP server.(this is all for an Intranet btw)and its not doing that at all. So, what I want to know is, can CDONTS be used for Win2000 or do I have to use CDO?Thanks!CDONTS is legacy from NT4.
CDO is its replacement 2k and better all have it.

A bit of difference between the components, CDO has more flexiblity, you do not have to install SMTP locally for it to work correctly.just a note - CDONTS should be isntalled as a library on 2K - its support was only removed on 2003 (afaik)Originally posted by Horus_Kol
just a note - CDONTS should be isntalled as a library on 2K - its support was only removed on 2003 (afaik)
I think this is correct, although I've heard some complaints about CDONTS coming up missing on some XP installs.that's because, if i remember correctly, CDONTS is not included in XP - it was removed... you'd have to manually install the dlli've only noticed it missing on 2k3 - but then i haven't tried to use it on anything else...Originally posted by Horus_Kol
i've only noticed it missing on 2k3 - but then i haven't tried to use it on anything else...
i've used it fine on an NT/2000 machine, but i think i remember last term someone had a problem with it, and then ryan told me it was removed in XPOn my hosted accounts, I have always used CDONTS and have never had a problem. Of course the hosted accounts also provide fully configured SMTP so it's a snap.yeah, but if the host changes to W2K3 - like they did on one friend of mine - then CDONTS calls will not function.Originally posted by Horus_Kol
yeah, but if the host changes to W2K3 - like they did on one friend of mine - then CDONTS calls will not function.

Agreed. Never rely on a peice of code that is marked obsolete. In .net your code will not compile if the interface is marked atleast not with the Warning level 4 setting. Otherwise it would work fine.