Using C# exactly how do I parse this funny xml document


New Member
From the document below, I am trying to put the last two lines:\[code\] <Text>PF6=NOTE/RESL PF7=BWD PF8=FWD PF9=NEXT PF11=OPEN W/OS NO MORE W/OS</Text> <Text>DIU22E-PAGING ERROR, ONLY ONE PAGE</Text> \[/code\]into seperate strings.I think I'm close with my latest code, but I'm new to XML parsing:\[code\]public static string GetTextByLocationIdNoNull(XmlDocument xmlDoc, int nodeId){ string field; XmlNode node = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode(String.Format(@"//Location[@position='{0}']", nodeId)); if (node != null) { return field = node.ParentNode.InnerText; } return "Null";} <?xml version="1.0" ?> - <XMLScreen xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi=""> <CX>80</CX> <CY>24</CY> <Formatted>true</Formatted> - <Field> <Location position="1" left="1" top="0" length="61" /> <Attributes Base="226" Protected="false" FieldType="High" /> *DIU DISPATCH INQUIRY AND UPDATE </Field>- <Field> <Location position="63" left="63" top="0" length="17" /> <Attributes Base="204" Protected="true" /> 12:34:48 01/25/13 </Field>- <Field> <Location position="80" left="0" top="1" length="5" /> <Attributes Base="204" Protected="true" /> TECH: </Field>- <Field> <Location position="86" left="6" top="1" length="4" /> <Attributes Base="234" Protected="false" FieldType="High" /> 0001 </Field>- <Field> <Location position="91" left="11" top="1" length="6" /> <Attributes Base="204" Protected="true" /> DATE: </Field>- <Field> <Location position="98" left="18" top="1" length="4" /> <Attributes Base="234" Protected="false" FieldType="High" /> 0126 </Field>- <Field> <Location position="103" left="23" top="1" length="6" /> <Attributes Base="204" Protected="true" /> TYPE: </Field>- <Field> <Location position="110" left="30" top="1" length="2" /> <Attributes Base="226" Protected="false" FieldType="High" /> </Field>- <Field> <Location position="113" left="33" top="1" length="6" /> <Attributes Base="204" Protected="true" /> RESN: </Field>- <Field> <Location position="120" left="40" top="1" length="2" /> <Attributes Base="226" Protected="false" FieldType="High" /> </Field>- <Field> <Location position="123" left="43" top="1" length="10" /> <Attributes Base="204" Protected="true" /> GEO CODE: </Field>- <Field> <Location position="134" left="54" top="1" length="1" /> <Attributes Base="226" Protected="false" FieldType="High" /> </Field>- <Field> <Location position="136" left="56" top="1" length="9" /> <Attributes Base="226" Protected="false" FieldType="High" /> </Field>- <Field> <Location position="146" left="66" top="1" length="11" /> <Attributes Base="204" Protected="true" /> DISP STAT: </Field>- <Field> <Location position="158" left="78" top="1" length="1" /> <Attributes Base="226" Protected="false" FieldType="High" /> </Field>- <Field> <Location position="160" left="0" top="2" length="58" /> <Attributes Base="204" Protected="true" /> OPEN/UNTS:00001 00015 CMPL/UNTS:00000 00000 UNABLES:0000 </Field>- <Field> <Location position="219" left="59" top="2" length="5" /> <Attributes Base="204" Protected="true" /> SPA: </Field>- <Field> <Location position="225" left="65" top="2" length="4" /> <Attributes Base="234" Protected="false" FieldType="High" /> 8155 </Field>- <Field> <Location position="230" left="70" top="2" length="4" /> <Attributes Base="234" Protected="false" FieldType="High" /> </Field>- <Field> <Location position="235" left="75" top="2" length="4" /> <Attributes Base="234" Protected="false" FieldType="High" /> </Field>- <Field> <Location position="240" left="0" top="3" length="11" /> <Attributes Base="204" Protected="true" /> TECH NOTES: </Field>- <Field> <Location position="252" left="12" top="3" length="65" /> <Attributes Base="226" Protected="false" FieldType="High" /> </Field>- <Field> <Location position="318" left="78" top="3" length="2" /> <Attributes Base="204" Protected="true" /> </Field>- <Field> <Location position="320" left="0" top="4" length="80" /> <Attributes Base="204" Protected="true" /> TYPE RESN JOB # ST/TME ADDRESS TIME UN ZIP CODE DATE </Field>- <Field> <Location position="400" left="0" top="5" length="2" /> <Attributes Base="204" Protected="true" /> 01 </Field>- <Field> <Location position="403" left="3" top="5" length="19" /> <Attributes Base="206" Protected="true" FieldType="High" /> AF 01 437804 </Field>- <Field> <Location position="423" left="23" top="5" length="1" /> <Attributes Base="226" Protected="false" FieldType="High" /> R </Field>- <Field> <Location position="425" left="25" top="5" length="4" /> <Attributes Base="206" Protected="true" FieldType="High" /> 0753 </Field>- <Field> <Location position="480" left="0" top="6" length="60" /> <Attributes Base="206" Protected="true" FieldType="High" /> CUST REQ: Y </Field>- <Field> <Location position="541" left="61" top="6" length="5" /> <Attributes Base="207" Protected="true" FieldType="Hidden" /> 2000 </Field>- <Field> <Location position="547" left="67" top="6" length="13" /> <Attributes Base="207" Protected="true" FieldType="Hidden" /> 0360 </Field>- <Field> <Location position="560" left="0" top="7" length="3" /> <Attributes Base="207" Protected="true" FieldType="Hidden" /> </Field>- <Unformatted> <Text>*DIU DISPATCH INQUIRY AND UPDATE 12:34:48 01/25/13</Text> <Text>TECH: 0001 DATE: 0126 TYPE: RESN: GEO CODE: DISP STAT:</Text> <Text>OPEN/UNTS:00001 00015 CMPL/UNTS:00000 00000 UNABLES:0000 SPA: 8155</Text> <Text>TECH NOTES:</Text> <Text>TYPE RESN JOB # ST/TME ADDRESS TIME UN ZIP CODE DATE</Text> <Text /> <Text /> <Text /> <Text /> <Text /> <Text /> <Text /> <Text /> <Text /> <Text /> <Text /> <Text /> <Text /> <Text>PF6=NOTE/RESL PF7=BWD PF8=FWD PF9=NEXT PF11=OPEN W/OS NO MORE W/OS</Text> <Text>DIU22E-PAGING ERROR, ONLY ONE PAGE</Text> </Unformatted> </XMLScreen>\[/code\]