Using backgrounds with a left border


I've just made my first whole web site all by myself and there is an awesome left border background I"m using. I managed to get it looking good, but really fooled around with HTML and tables. I was wondering, is there a trick to this? Or a simple way? When I first added some info, it went right over the border and looked awful. They look great now, even when the screen is minimized, but like I said, I really fooled with the code.<br />
Tx!<!--content-->I use background images quite often in making pages. For instance I made a page that had a logo for Lucent Technologies, and a line under it going to the right. The line ran into a square with nice subtley rounded edges.<br />
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Inside this square was and embedded video sequence (provided by Lucent, of course!).<br />
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Now This was all drawn up in photoshop, and used as a body background. I used tables, and my handy spacer.gif (a 1px by 1px transparent gif) to get EXACT positioning of the embedded movie into the 'cool' square. <br />
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The first difference I noticed is how Netscape treats tables ( a few pixels off in some directions) so I used a little code to change widths and heights of just one spacer.gif to accomodate netscape. <br />
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Then end was a lot of fiddleing with the code, and I could have used div's... but I have more problems with them than I do with tables. Since the majority of my layout is in tables... and it seems to be cross browser happy-I use it a lot. <br />
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Once you get used to tables for layout (though that was never really their purpose) you'll be knocking out layouts like that with ease.<!--content-->I have to agree with the doctor. Tables are (is?) about the most stable cross-browser way of sorting your layout. It wasn't meant to be like this, 'cos HTML was supposed to be about simple markup and let the content do the talking, but since the real world isn't like that (presentation is king, and all that) then tables are your friend. At least until Netscape decides to take CSS seriously...<!--content-->Hi Don't Know If This Will Help Or Not<br />
But Try Using<br />
<img style="left:0px"<br />
src="/images/Border.jpg"><br />
<div style="Left:30%;Width:100%;Height:100%;Font-color:#000000; ETC; ETC; ETC"><br />
Blah Blah<br />
BLah<br />
</div><br />
Hope This Is Of Some Help To You<br />
Regards Mystic<!--content-->If your just looking for a fast solution (and thats what your post indicates) then you might want to take a look here: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> and then follow the link that reads "If you need help on how to layout your page using these, click HERE."<br />
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Its not fancy... its not technical... just a few practicle things I learned from working with tables. :)<br />
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Hope it helps!<!--content-->"For instance I made a page that had a logo for Lucent Technologies, and a line under it going to the right. The line ran into a square with nice subtley rounded edges"<br />
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Out of curiosity, could you email the URL of that site, please? (I work for Lucent Technologies still.) I'd like to check it out!<!--content-->Thanks everyone! Great Link Dreamer - for both the graphics and tips. I have heard of using a transparent "spacer" gif but don't know how to use them. What I wound up doing was using and empty table cell, but then when I wanted the text centered from the edge of the border to the right side, it wouldn't do it. It centered in the whole page. I used the &nbsp; to get it pushed over and it worked, but I wondered if there was some standard way this should be done. I see by the variety of ways, there isn't and that makes me feel a whole lot better already! Thanks so much. When I first came to this forum, I was first learning how to add links etc., to my web site who someone else made and was then out of the picture. I was on my own. Tables really threw me and I received some great guidance right here. And I'm happy to report it really helped heaps because although I'm a far cry from a master at it, I'm not afraid of them any longer and the more I work with them, the more I'm learning..<br /> on a ramble there, didn't I! I've noted all the tips and the links and sure appreciate the help!<br />
Stay safe everyone...<!--content-->