Using ASP to search an Access .mdb


Hi all. I am having a problem w/querying my local System DSN (a file on my machine) w/ASP. Namely, the problem is that I am a novice to this language and am waiting for some ASP books to arrive in the mail. Here is the code of the search file, made in Dreamweaver 2004 MX:



<form action="form_response.asp" method="post" name="info" id="info">
<p>Please input the following: </p>
<table width="85%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" id="formcontent">
<td width="14%">PIDM: </td>
<td width="86%"><input name="PIDM" type="text" id="PIDM" onFocus="if(this.value=='Your message')this.value='';" size="7" maxlength="6"> </td>
<td>F9: </td>
<td><input name="F9" type="text" id="F9" onFocus="if(this.value=='Your message')this.value='';" size="10" maxlength="9"> </td>
<td><input name="company" type="text" id="company" onFocus="if(this.value=='Your message')this.value='';" size="4" maxlength="4"> </td>
<td><input name="submit" type=submit id="submit" onClick="javascript:self.close();" value="Submit!"> </td>
<td><input name="reset" type=reset id="reset" onClick="javascript:self.close();" value="Reset"> </td>



I modified the above code, whose WYSIWYG template was gleaned from another website, to 'work' with my DB (at least in theory) w/Dreamweaver. I am stumped as to how to create a response page that will link to my DB and give me the values that I want, which are echoes of the above three values plus four other sets of numbers that are in the same row in the Access table (same record).

Thannks for anything!

_strykerSQL Query Structure

select *[, Field1,Field2] from table1
[[Left [Right [ Inner]] Join] table2]
[Where Field1 = Value]
[Group by Field1,Field2]
[Order by Field2]

Where each square brace is an optional clause.afterburn,
Thanks for your help. I ended up using a slightly different method than the one you explained for the result fact, with one of my co-workers assistance, I combined both pages into one using some of the SQL you supplied as well as my own VBScript and ASP to tie it all together.
Thanks again!
