using Android Internal storage


New Member
I am a beginner in java and I am building an app that will update an xml file whenever there is an update received by the server.(what I mean by update is changing some lines in that file by erasing the some part of the text written already and replace by the update)When I searched I found out that Internal storage suits me best.But I do not know if I have to create an xml file manually in any directory or just use this code to create this file when the app is run first time? \[code\]if (firstTime) { // execute one time code... // create XML Internal store // String FILENAME = "MyUpdates_file"; try{ FileOutputStream fos = openFileOutput(FILENAME, Context.MODE_APPEND); } catch (final IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }}\[/code\]So, my main questions are: Am I on the right track? Should I create "MyUpdates_file" manually? If yes, in which directory?