Using ADO to query SQL Server



I'm putting this in the ASP section as I think the error is on the ASP side of things. Most of the stuff I've done before has been in Perl so I'm basically winging this ASP stuff!

I'm inserting a row, which works fine and then I'm trying to query the row ID, which is auto incremented (or is an Identity row in Microsoft's terminology.) Unfortunately when I run through the results (I'm looping, even though there should only be one result, as I basically don't know any other way!), I get into an infinite loop and then receive a 'Active Server Pages error 'ASP 0113' Script timed out' error. I've not left out the recordset.MoveNext argument, as you can see:

dim sql_get_cust_id
dim rs_get_cust_id
dim last_cust_id
set sql_get_cust_id = "SELECT IDENT_CURRENT('cs_customers') AS 'id_number'"
set rs_get_cust_id = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rs_get_cust_id.Open sql_get_cust_id, conn

Do Until rs_get_cust_id.EOF
last_cust_id = rs_get_cust_id.fields("id_number")

set rs_get_cust_id = nothing

I know it's the loop that's causing the error, because if I comment it out, it works fine. I'd be grateful if anyone has any suggestions.

Thanks in advance :)If I'm not mistaken, it looks like you are using VBScript here. Try replacing the "Do...Until" with a Do While NOT loop, and remove the loop statement at the end.Just tried that, to no avail. I must admit, I was sceptical about that working because the Do While works on a separate query, this is what I really don't understand (sorry, I forgot to mention that bit)!

The separate query is:
dim sql_get_cust_from_id
dim rs_get_cust_from_id
set sql_get_cust_from_id = nothing
sql_get_cust_from_id = "SELECT * FROM dbo.cs_customers" & vbCrLf
sql_get_cust_from_id = sql_get_cust_from_id & "WHERE cust_id = " & request.querystring("cust_id")

set rs_get_cust_from_id = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rs_get_cust_from_id.Open sql_get_cust_from_id, conn

Do Until rs_get_cust_from_id.EOF
cust_title = rs_get_cust_from_id.fields("cust_title")
cust_fname = rs_get_cust_from_id.fields("cust_fname")
cust_sname = rs_get_cust_from_id.fields("cust_sname")
cust_add1 = rs_get_cust_from_id.fields("cust_add1")
cust_add2 = rs_get_cust_from_id.fields("cust_add2")
cust_add3 = rs_get_cust_from_id.fields("cust_add3")
cust_add4 = rs_get_cust_from_id.fields("cust_add4")
cust_add5 = rs_get_cust_from_id.fields("cust_add5")
cust_postcode = rs_get_cust_from_id.fields("cust_postcode")
cust_home_tel = rs_get_cust_from_id.fields("cust_home_tel")
cust_mob_tel = rs_get_cust_from_id.fields("cust_mob_tel")
cust_work_tel = rs_get_cust_from_id.fields("cust_work_tel")
cust_email = rs_get_cust_from_id.fields("cust_email")
set rs_get_cust_from_id = nothing
The query is fine, as I run it in Query Analyzer and it returns exactly what I want it to.

There must be something different about the code in my first post that is messing it up, but I just can't figure out what!

Thanks for trying though! :)yeah you are not opening the connection or setting the connection string.No, I am doing that at the top of the page:
data_source = "NPG-SAGEDB2\LINE500V55"
db_to_connect_to = "cooserdb"
db_user = "cooser_user"
db_password = "coopass"

'Connect to the DB
Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB; Data Source = " & data_source & "; Initial Catalog = " & db_to_connect_to & "; User Id = " & db_user & "; Password = " & db_password & vbCrLf

The connection definitely opens successfully.what is the error message?

in IE go to Tools ->Advanced -> Uncheck Show Friendly Error messages.

It should show you the line, the page and description of the error. If no error, you might be RS.EOF