Using a Back Button with Frames


Okay everyone I have a good one here, hope someone can give me some good insight on this one.<br />
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I am working on a report page that has 3 separate frames on it. What I am looking to do is, to get the back button that is a part of Explorer itself to take me back or redirect me to my main report page, NOT the one that is currently using the 3 frames.<br />
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What is happening currently when I click the back button in Explorer is, everyone of the frames goes back one page. So if I look at 3 reports it flips through the previous 2 reports, I dont want that. I want it to redirect me too my main report selection page.<br />
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Is this possible and if so how can I do it? <br />
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I can disable Explorer buttons so I dont see why I can not change what they are doing.<!--content-->try using the right mouse button on the frame you want, and click Back on the menu that pops up.<!--content-->Thanks for the information but that is not what I am looking to do.<!--content-->The best thing is not to use frames at all.<br />
Also, you can not change the behaviour of browser buttons. The only thing I can think of (which I never tried) is every time you navigate through your frames you clear the history hoping that browser back button will stay disabled and forcing users to use your "back" button.<!--content-->Okay well I have pretty much given up on changing the functionality of the back button itself. <br />
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There is no way around using frames, I have too, that is just how the page works. But is there a way to say in the frameset that when the back button is clicked that I redirect to a certain page? Kind of hard code in what I want it to do in the page??<!--content-->Originally posted by jskeens <br />
There is no way around using frames... <br />
There is always a way around frames!!! Any page can be designed without them. What are using them for? layout - just use absolutely positioned div if keeping banner and nav in the view is that important; loading files? - use iframe or object.<!--content-->I am using 3 active pages in one page. One frame to list the 100's of reports, another frame to give me the report params for the report I selected and the last one to show me a preview of the report.<br />
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Is there a way to do what I want to do? And if so how? I am about to go out of my mind trying to get it to work.<!--content-->What are the report params? Is it the output that represents report or input that influences how the report is generated? Also what are your browser compatibility reqs?<!--content-->I dont want to go into the whole functionality of the page, I would just like an answer on my original question, if someone can give that to me please.<!--content-->Someone , Anyone HELP PLEASE!!!!!!<!--content-->I tried :rolleyes:<!--content-->some people are so stubborn. anyways, do this:<br />
put a "Back" link on each page with <a href="javascript:history.back(1)"> maybe that will work.<br />
if it doesnt work, try putting target="FRAME NAME" in the tag above.<!--content-->This code will send the browser to your mainpage unless they entered your page by clicking on a link:<br />
Just place this code as the body tag:<br />
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<body onload="javascript:if(!document.referrer) window.location.href=''"> <br />
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EDIT: You will need to join the words java and script together - the server separates them to stop the script running in the forum.<!--content-->Originally posted by Vladdy <br />
... just use absolutely positioned div if keeping banner and nav in the view is that important; ... <br />
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What's the markup for an "absolutely positioned div"?<!--content-->Originally posted by AWhiteC:<br />
What's the markup for an "absolutely positioned div"?<br />
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<div style="position:absolute; left=10px; right=10px;"></div><br />
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Just substitue in your own values for left and top - these are the distances from the left and top of the window.<!--content-->