Users can't stay logged in, online indicator green but user not online


New Member
I wasn't sure which section to post this in.

I started having a problem with my 3.72 vb installation about a week ago. All of a sudden some of my users can't stay logged in for more than 5 minutes. I use firefox and IE and don't have this problem. But I can't stay logged in the admin control panel for more than 5 minutes. I keep getting prompted for the password.

Additionally users have the online indicator light showing green but when I click on who's online they're not there.

I also get this page from time to time. Then I click refresh and it's fine.


A month ago I changed domains. I don't know if the site was moved to a different server I'm using the same hosting company. I've since also installed Geek Auto-Linker 6.0.8 and TCattd The Image Resizer 1.2.8 which I now uninstalled but the problem persists.

I installed a second forum this time VB 3.8 on the same site. Same problem. Would this indicate that the problem is server side? Anyone had something similar happen? Thanks.
The problem was resolved. The hosting company moved my site to a different server and the problem disappeared. My forum is also functioning faster than before.