

New Member
For some odd reason i cant edit usergroup permission for my registered user? Everytime i click save, i dont get an error message or anything but the setting wont change from the defaults. Any suggestions...ive googled and found no answer?

Thank u
any help would be appreciated. I cannot edit my usergroup options at all.... no matter what i change and save, it doesnt get saved at all, defaults is all i can use. I have a few mods installed.. arcade, casino, post thank etc....

Thank you for the help.
I think Hox wanted to say those :)

ACP > Maintenance > Repair / Optimize Tables > Check All > Continue
Thanks for the help but i just 'ACP > Maintenance > Repair / Optimize Tables > Check All > Continue' and i still have the same issue. Any one else having this issue? please help...any more suggestions?

Have you tried to run again upgrade.php *but i think is the same as above*

BTW, are you a Super-Admin?