user password md5 hash problems


New Member
I recently imported a database from 3.7.0 RC1 and upgraded to 3.7.3 PL1 .. all old users can type in their old passwords and login. but for all the newly registered users the passwords are not working once they logout... i think it has to do with the md5 hash and salt values..maybe they are not being generated correctly?

I tried to copy the md5 hash of an old password to a new account.. but i still could not login.. anyone know how i can pinpoint the root of this problem?

thanks for any help
there was a change in password security from 3.7.0 rc1 to your admincpo it shold have given you the option to scan for password vunerability and fix that issue. Also question why did you import the db? Would have been simpler to do the upgrade with existing db already installed.
thanks, re-imported using navicat and bigdump + upgraded and it works now

the reason i imported the database was because my old 3.7.0 RC2 had lots of bugs and problems with the sql.. with this method i can selectively import the users and threads so that i could have a fresh clean vbulletin running

I think my problem was that I tried to repair the tables in the first install and somehow the salt values got mismatched