User Map Drop Down Menu within framed page?


New Member
I'm trying to use an Image Map to create a drop down menu. This I have done and seems to work ok. It can be viewed here:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

However when I place it into a framed page so as to appear, er, seamless(?) it drops down behind the main window frame instead of infront it. That can be viewed here:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

The idea is that I'm trying to save space on the page. I could increase the size of the frame the user map is in but that would defeat the object of using the drop down menu. The easy way out is to place the user map with the drop down into every page that loads into the main window and get away with the frame alltogether. However that would mean placing the coding into every page and if I needed to alter the menu, I would have to edit every page.

I tried an inline frame sourced to an external HTML page (which meant I would only have to edit the external page), but that also had the drop down appear behind the main window frame. Joy!

I could use the object tag but that dosn't work in all browsers.

Does anyone know if there is any code or script I can use to make the drop down appear over the main window frame?