user access / file permissions??


I am getting this error.....<br />
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HTTP 401.3 - Access denied by ACL on resource<br />
Internet Information Services<br />
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when i try to access one of my websites here try it...<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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but<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> points to the same server space and loads fine? <br />
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what should my file permissions be set to?<br />
i believe im on a UNIX server.<br />
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what should i do???<br />
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thanks<!--content-->I can't fine either one of them pages.<!--content-->try giving your perl folder read & execute permission<br />
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if you can't figure out what resource has the wrong permissions set ask the host admin to sort it out, they set it up so they will know what is going wrong(maybe they have a security problem?)<!--content-->I'm not really sure what this means but attached a screenshot of that sites permissions? What should i change?<br />
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thanks again<!--content-->ok, try this<br />
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owner - check read , write <br />
group & other - check read<!--content-->OK i did that and got this error from my ftp client right after it would try to chmod each of the items in each folder...<!--content-->maybe your host gave up and left town. :P<br />
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I would call them<!--content-->I emailed them today..... so we'll see?<br />
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also how should my permissions read when i view the properties of each file, right now they read as follows:<br />
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-rwxr-x--<br />
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thanks all<!--content-->You'll probably need: -rw-r--r-- on files.<br />
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On folders, probably: drwxr-xr-x will do.<!--content-->Ok finally i got this all worked out.<br />
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It turns out my host implemented a new system and neglected to tell me i needed to change my host headers (as i have more than one domain pointing to the space). So i changed them and it works on my computer.<br />
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does it work on yours?<br />
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I still haven't heard back from my host (Hostronix) and don't understand why i got the error while my ftp client was trying to chmod but well you know how it goes.....:confused: <br />
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thanks again to all that helped<!--content-->Looks like it's working just fine.<!--content-->