Use XPath to find a node by name attribute value


New Member
I am trying to find a node by the name attribute value.Here is a sample of the xml document:\[code\]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?><!DOCTYPE kfx:XMLRELEASE SYSTEM "K000A004.dtd"><kfx:XMLRELEASE xmlns:kfx=""> <kfx:KOFAXXML> <kfx:BATCHCLASS ID="00000008" NAME="CertficateOfLiability"> <kfx:DOCUMENTS> <kfx:DOCUMENT DOCID="00000006" DOCUMENTCLASSNAME="COL"> <kfx:DOCUMENTDATA> <kfx:DOCUMENTFIELD NAME="Producer Name" VALUE=" Insurance" /> ... ....\[/code\]Here is my attempted expression:\[code\] var xml = XDocument.Load(new StreamReader("C:\\Users\\Matthew_cox\\Documents\\test.xml")); XNamespace ns = ""; XmlNamespaceManager nsm = new XmlNamespaceManager(xml.CreateNavigator().NameTable); nsm.AddNamespace("kfx", ns.NamespaceName); var docs = xml.Descendants(ns + "DOCUMENT"); foreach(var doc in docs) { doc.XPathSelectElement("/DOCUMENTDATA/DOCUMENTFIELD/[@name='Producer Name']", nsm); //this line produces this exception: Expression must evaluate to a node-set. }\[/code\]