use variables in xsl ?


Staff member
hi all,i do have an xml document this way :<document name="Marketing"><tables count="1"><table name="AllDocuments"><columnHeaders count="3"><columnHeader text="Site"/><columnHeader text="Status"/><columnHeader text="Account"/></columnHeaders><rows count="134"><row><column>Paris</column><column>Project Completed</column><column>Microsoft (France)</column></row><row><column>Paris</column><column>Project Completed</column><column>Lionbridge Nortel</column></row></rows></table></tables></document>what i'd like is :display each row "talking" about the Account. i thought i could make a <xsl:iftest="columnHeaders='Account'"> then give the number of the row (incrementedat each columnHeaders i found)and then for each <column> use a second variable incremented, test if thisone is equal to the one for columnHeaders and if yes, display it.i don't know how it could be done. is there a way :1. to use variable and increment them2. test them with and other variableBest regards ,Elise