use of _private folder


Not sure this is the right place for this query, but seems to be the best fit I can find!<br />
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Anyhow, can anyone explain exactly what can / cannot and/or should / should not be <br />
placed under the _private path on a site?<br />
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I had previously assumed that one could put in any html files which were <br />
not directly accessed by visitors (e.g. html files that visitors might specify<br />
the URL of in an address bar had to be outside _private, but any others (that <br />
were only to be access by other pages in the site) could be placed under _private.)<br />
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I have a number of pages that I don't want to be seen by a site search facility <br />
(front page site search component in fact). I believe putting the pages under <br />
_private should achieve this, however, bitter experience shows that the pages <br />
cannot them be linked to!<br />
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Thanks, Batch<!--content-->the _private dir can catch values set from viewers (an example would be when a person submits a form that sends the collected data to an output.txt in the _private dir) <br />
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as for giving access to certin pages for certin viewers, work with a new dir and add a .htaccess file. you can work with permissions in it for viewers!<br />
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cioa!<br />
chris<pixelmonkey>:monkey:<!--content-->I see you are using Front Page. I do too but not for form submitting. The _private folder should not have any files in there unless you would like them protected from users. Also if you are using front page's form to output data I would not recommend it, try a free cgi script, works much better. Hope that helped.<br />