Use if database on vB


New Member
Hii guyz,

Actually I took 1 vB database from my friend.
and he gave me a .sql database.
NOTE: he didnt gave me the db name,user,pass
Now the thing I want to do is:I want to put this database onto my boards.
I used bigdump and put the db on my boards directly after the board installation.
But then the ID and pass which I kept for my vB installtion is not working.
I think it got overwritten.
But i think i want to merge it then only the pass will work.
Please hlpe me on this thing.
How can i use that db.
well actually you got to modify your config.php so your vb connects to the database you already uploaded, you don't need the usernmae and pass of your friend actually you only need the user and pass of the database you created and it will work
you are right.
I dont need db user and pass.

But I will need admin ID and PAss which I dont have.

so whats the use of db then.
Any way I can merge it with my existing db.
Or I can overwrite my admin acess files on it?
Been awhile since I used the tools.php file in the "DO NOT UPLOAD" folder included with nulled releases, but that might be of service. I dont have one handy to check but give it a shot.
Upload it to your forum root and browse to the script. No promises if it will contain the function you need, and it may need to be run from the admin directory if it throws you such an error message. So move it to admincp and then browse to it. Will likely ask for customer number, try to click the button saying proceed or something like that and if it contains a reset admin password function.

Now if it is indeed your "friends" database, why not just get the info from him or have him change it for you?

As another method you could sign up a new name, then go into phpmyadmin and browse through the user table and find your name and change your group id to 6. Again this may not work but just throwing out ideas.