use checkbox value name in subjects?


Staff member
hi I have a form with check boxes that when submitted is sent to an email account. is there anyway to get the value name from the checkbox and place that in the subject header?<br />
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thanks,<br />
Farz<!--content-->Originally posted by Farz <br />
hi I have a form with check boxes that when submitted is sent to an email account. <br />
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Farz, I have been trying to figure out how to submit a form to email. How did you get it to work?<!--content-->available....if you have maybe I could write you a small examplescript.<br />
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Just let me know if you have PHP on your server and if yes also let me know the names of the fields that you work with and which one you want in the subject of the mail. - I can then create an example for you that could be extended by yourself :)<br />
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regards<br />
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Markus :)=)<!--content-->Hey bear<br />
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The easiest way to do that is to work with a script eg. a very well known from Matt Wright - here is the path to it:<br />
<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
<br />
You find everything you need under this path including an explanation how to install and to use.<br />
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regards<br />
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Markus<!--content-->does anyone know if its possible to do pass the value of say a field in a form to the subject o fthe email?<br />
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example:<br />
I have a field called name I want to send the value of that field to the subject of the email.<br />
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I tried:<br />
input type=hidden name="subject" value=Name + "Submition from web form."<br />
<br />
but the subject from that email only read "Name"<br />
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can I do this another way?<!--content-->input type=hidden name="subject" value=Name + "Submition from web form." is pure html (means not for instance in a<br />
php-script) this can not work.<br />
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The value parameter can not contain values from other fields because at the moment when you try to use that, the field Name is still empty.<br />
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If this statement would be used in a php script where $name is already filled somehow (by another form or directly in the script) something like this would be possible because you easily coud concatenate $name plus "Submition from web form" into an new field...<br />
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If you have PHP available and you don't know how to write such a script let me know :)<!--content-->Thanx, Faesi. I appreciate the info!<!--content-->I am also happy to find relevant input here :)<br />
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regards - Markus<!--content-->In the instructions for the formmail script, it said I need to point it to my perl interpreter.... do I have one? Is it a standard with Win 98, or do I need to get one? I have never used perl (that I know of).<br />
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Help.... again? :)<!--content-->Your website or lets better say your host must support perl because this is a perl script.<br />
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In the forst line of the script you should have a line like this<br />
<br />
#!/usr/local/bin/perl<br />
<br />
that tells the script wher perl is located. - If the line is empty try my example usually perl is installed like that.<br />
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If you do not have perl on your host you canot use this script...for that case I suggest to register for free<br />
with bravenet - they have a lot of free services for you...also Email-Form that you can use without having the right to have your own cgi-scripts on your server ;)<!--content--><br />
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regards - faesi<!--content-->