I have just searched for a domain name at one domain registrant and found a quite good domain in my opinion. The domain is made of two words. .Com, .info and .net are already taken and .net shows up as a premium domain with a price of 700 dollars and .com with the "-" between those two words is being sold for 1000, when i put in the phrase of a domain to freekeywords.wordtracker.com it shows 400 searches, and the phrase in the google comes up with 1,400,000 results and when put in quotes (example "domain phrase" ) 600,000 results show up. So as i am new to the domaining business i ask you pros, weather its worth to buy that .us domain?
Edited: i also checked at web archive and found out that it was used in 2003
I have just searched for a domain name at one domain registrant and found a quite good domain in my opinion. The domain is made of two words. .Com, .info and .net are already taken and .net shows up as a premium domain with a price of 700 dollars and .com with the "-" between those two words is being sold for 1000, when i put in the phrase of a domain to freekeywords.wordtracker.com it shows 400 searches, and the phrase in the google comes up with 1,400,000 results and when put in quotes (example "domain phrase" ) 600,000 results show up. So as i am new to the domaining business i ask you pros, weather its worth to buy that .us domain?
Edited: i also checked at web archive and found out that it was used in 2003