urldecode() and rawurldecode() working locally but not on live server


New Member
I have the following line of code to retrieve and decode a URL before checking it against my database:\[code\]$urls = url_split(url_current()); $url_page = (string)rawurldecode($url[0]);\[/code\]The URL gets split and put into an array using the following functions:\[code\]function url_current () { // Check for HTTPS $http = 'http'; if (isset($_SERVER["HTTPS"]) && $_SERVER["HTTPS"] == "on") $http .= 's'; $http .= '://'; // Return URL return $http . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];}function url_split ($url){ // Retrieve URLs - Remove URL and split into array $url = explode('/', str_replace('http://www.siteurl.com', '', $url)); // Build new array, remove blanks $urls = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($url); $i++) { if ($url[$i] != '') $urls[] = $url[$i]; } // Return array return $urls;}\[/code\]This is working on my local server (using Zend) but it isn't working on my live server. This shouldn't be an issue with the $_SEVER variables as these are all returning the correct data. I've no idea why this would perform differently on my local server compared to my live server. Is there any set up in the php ini that might be causing this?Thanks in advance.