url question


How can i hide the url of my page for example if the page that was loading was called <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.tane.com/contact.htm">www.tane.com/contact.htm</a><!-- w --> is possible to still only show <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.tane.com">www.tane.com</a><!-- w --> in the url address bar when the page loads and not include the folder extention..<!--content-->either use default files on your server so people type yourdomain.com to get to your default page without seeing the page name or format, or you can use a frame to mask it. Why does it matter if they see it or not? I actually prefer users to see it.<!--content-->Originally posted by PeOfEo <br />
I actually prefer users to see it. I also think it's safe to say that most (if not all) users prefer it too.<!--content-->How can users bookmark a page if it has its url masked by a frame? You cant, you will bookmark the frameset and you will be opening the default pages that open within the frames. That is one of the many reasons why trying to "hide" your url is lame.<!--content-->Yea nah i want to do it to stop other webmasters hot linking to my pictures..<!--content-->Originally posted by tane <br />
Yea nah i want to do it to stop other webmasters hot linking to my pictures.. Lol! right click --> properties on the pricture. There is no way to stop them unless you have access to the server youself. Thing is they can get the image url in your source code because there is no way to hide source code from a user if their browser has to Download <!--more--> that source code to display the content. If you were server admin you could probably play with the headers and some other stuff to disable remote image linking sort of like how geocities (satan) has it set up.<!--content-->I know you can use the htaccess to make sure images cannot be hotlinked but i am not sure how to do this -<!--content-->I wouldn't either... I do not use apache, I use IIS. But you can play with server config on IIS and http headers to do it, I know that much.<!--content-->