URL link structure for SEO


New Member
My whole site has been coded:


Is it possible to make my NEW web pages for the site, go to:


I know Google prefers the dashes between the words, but Ive also heard that its best to be congruent with your whole site structure and not to vary it.

Has anyone got experience of using the dash format on sites, where they previously had the top case? What were the SEO results or effects, if any of switching from one to the other?? (but keeping the old pages the same, and only changing for the new pages)

Im putting a new blog on the site and want to know how to code this correctly for maximum benefit, but without affecting my high SERP ranking as it is

thanks in advance Testing something like this and showing a clear correlation would be very difficult. Changing it to dashes would be preferable because Google treats them as spaces. I would recommend doing it, but it will be tough to really measure the results of such a move. You can use hyphen (-) but don't use it many times in URL. i have both types on different sites. and they both seem to rank well.
however i would prefer the dash one personally since its more readable. Google does not see a difference with or without hyphens, only the viewer because it's more readable. If you want to add hyphens, simply do a 301 permanent redirect to the new page from the old. I suggest you to not use hyphens for your URL. This is quite hard to remember and may even confuse your visitors, thus making them enter the wrong URL. Do not use hyphens for your URL,that is bad for your seo