Uploading website


New Member
Allright, when we have created a website with Visual Basic.net we will have a lot of files. <BR><BR>Some extensions: <BR>*.resx <BR>*.asax <BR>*.aspx <BR>*.css <BR>*.config <BR>*.htm <BR>*.ascx <BR>*.ascx.vb <BR>*.asax.vb <BR>*.vb <BR>*.aspx.vb <BR>*.dll <BR>*.gif <BR><BR>My question is which extensions do we have to upload to the webserver? <BR><BR>Thanks! <BR>In general, if you are using VS.NET then you can let VS.NET handle which files to upload. Visual Studio .NET encourages the use of codebehind files and also sets them up so the logic is compiled into a .dll before you deploy. So, in most circumstances you would not need to deploy any of the .vb or .cs files in your project (they would be deployed as compiled .dlls to the /bin directory).<BR><BR>*.resx - Only need to be deployed if you are using resource files for localization.<BR><BR>*.asax - Comes in the form of global.asax. Required if you choose to hook into events that can only be found in the global.asax file - Application_OnEnd, Application_OnStart, etc.<BR><BR>*.asax.vb - Codebehind file for .asax file. VS.NET will deploy the .asax file and the appropriate .dll (your compiled .asax.vb file) into a /bin directory on the target web server.<BR><BR>*.aspx - Must be deployed if you have WebForms.<BR><BR>*.aspx.vb - Codebehind file for .aspx. Not required to build WebForms. VS.NET will deploy the .aspx file and the appropriate .dll (your compiled .aspx.vb file) into a /bin directory on the target web server.<BR><BR>*.css - Must be deployed if you use styles in this file.<BR><BR>*.config - Must be deployed if you wish to use a configuration other than the root config file. You can use a different web.config file for each application or subdirectory. The local config overrides a parent config.<BR><BR>*.htm - If you use .htm files in your site then they have to be<BR>deployed.<BR><BR>*.ascx - Must be deployed if you use a User Control one a WebForm. <BR><BR>*.ascx.vb - Codebehind file for .aspx. Not required to build WebForms. VS.NET will deploy the .ascx file and the appropriate .dll (your compiled .ascx.vb file) into a /bin directory on the target web server.<BR><BR>*.vb - VB.NET component file. VS.NET will deploy the .dll (your<BR>compiled .vb file) into a /bin directory on the target web server.<BR><BR>*.dll - VS.NET will deploy the necessary .dlls.<BR><BR>*.gif - If you reference a .gif in a web page of any kind then you must deploy the .gif.<BR><BR>Hth,<BR>Alex<BR><BR>ASP.NET Resource Site: http://aspalliance.com/aldotnet<BR>Grand Rapids, MI ASP.NET User Group: http://www.asp-grandrapids.net<BR>