Uploading Files To Gallery2


Hi there,<br /><br />I've been using the "Upload from Web Browser" option to add items to my albums in Gallery2 but today needed to add a particularly big album so decided to go with "Upload from Local Server" instead. I've been trying to add a permissable directory for Gallery2 to read from but can't seem to get it to work.<br /><br />Using /tmp/gallery2, it gives this error msg:<br />The webserver does not have permissions to read that directory.<br /><br />Using /public_html/gallery2/uploads, it gives this error msg:<br />Your webserver is configured to prevent you from accessing that directory. Please refer to the open_basedir documentation and consult your webserver administrator.<br /><br />Anyone able to shed light on this? <br /><br />Thanks.<!--content-->
Create a folder in your "public_html" folder and give it 777 permissions. Upload your photos to there to do the import. Then remove the images from the temporary folder and either delete the folder or change the permissions to 755 when complete.<!--content-->