Uploading files hack


New Member

I want to know a way that i can allows users from my forums to upload files which have nuting to do with forums.

so basically just uploading of the files for the admin to take care of.

i have a website where i use vbulletin with a custom musicbox. i want to allows users to upload music for the site but i want to add the music myself. so i just want users to upload files.

Reason why i want this upload to be integrated with vbulletin is because i want to keep a track of who uploaded the files so that in my musicbox i could add to the description of that song that it was uploaded by this user.

so practcally i want this:

users logs in to the forums...sees a link called "Upload Songs", after clicking on that link a popup window opens asking the users to select the file to upload. After the upload finished display thanks we will look into the upload file.

Then i log in and in control panel i see there is a file waiting for my moderation and then i take a look at the file and check if its k doesnt contains links to any other website then i will manually add that song to the musicbox.

if any hack that can do this please help me out here
