Upload Text To HTML

Can anyone help me? I don't whether this is possible with HTML or I need CGI but:<br />
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I am making a gaming clan website and I want users to able to click on a specific war page and then they can upload comments to the page.<br />
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I don't really want them to have to enter a user name and password, but they can enter a name that will show up.<br />
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So is this possible with HTML?<br />
And can anyone point me to a tutorial or even tell me what I want to do is called?<br />
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Thanks<!--content-->This is what you might be after:<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://clangames.newlight.org.uk/">http://clangames.newlight.org.uk/</a><!-- m --><br />
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It is free as well, I set one up a while back for a mate. There is a great tutorial for setting up as well. It is nowhere near as hard as it looks, give it a crack... any probs post here for some advice and I'll get straight back to when I can.<br />
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It runs as ASP so bare that in mind.<!--content-->What you need is either a server which run a server side language, like asp, perl, or php. An ideal combination of above would be php with a mysql database as backend structure. <br />
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You do not need to know how to program php/asp etc yourself. There is 'premade' scripts available, but you still need a server which permit you to use server side script languages.<br />
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However, if your webhost wont allow you to run server side languages, there is removely hosted scripts. What you are<br />
after is socalled Shout boards, or tag bords.<br />
The scripts are hosted on another server (removely hosted) and usually advertisements are put on your board.<br />
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Try bravenet.com for example.<br />
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(you can not do what you are trying to do with HTML alone or even javascript. it require server side languages or remotely hosted scripts).<!--content-->