Upload Script v1.0


New Member

As administrator, you can:

* set allowed file types
* block certain file extensions
* set maximum file size
* set file expiry time (after X amount of days of inactivity)
* set countdown timer on download page
* set time limit between downloads
* enable or disable files list (viewable list of all files)
* if files list enabled, set number of files displayed per page
* enable or disable top10 list (viewable list of top 10 downloaded files)
* enable or disable email option (send file link to a specified email address)
* view bandwidth usage
* view files reported as illegal
* delete files
* ban files or IP addresses

Users can:

* upload allowed file types
* upload by URL - allows users to upload a file by entering it's URL
* email link to themselves or a friend (if enabled)
* report a file as illegal through the file reporting system
* view a list of all uploaded files (if enabled)
* view a list of the top 10 downloaded files

UploadScript Skins:

* Easily apply skins to your upload script

Addons Available Soon:

* Members area mod - allows for a free and a paid area
* Image hosting script - a modified version of UploadScript allowing image hosting
* More to come...
