Upload image file via form?


I consider myself very experienced with web development, but when it comes to upload fields on forms, I'm lost as hell. I don't really know where to start. I want the user to be able to browse, find the file on their hard drive then upload it. Then I want it to be saved onto the server in a certain location. <br />
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I can do the form field an allow the user to find it on their HD. Then what? Do I use a submit button? I'm assuming CGI or something would save the picture in the right place or??? <br />
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How would I do that?<!--content-->yes once the file's reference is in the form,youcan upload it by submitting the form to your CGI or any webserver where you have some other programming language for getting the data from the request object and save it on to any part of your servers disk space<br />
PHP or JSP are some server side languages that you may be able to use for this purpose.<!--content-->