upload file with stat fail problem


Hereby, I would like to ask is the php will create a temporary file under c:php/upload or php will move the temporary file to c:windows/temp.
Since I have tried for upload file with is_upload_file function, it doesnt give error. However, when I get the filesize through fread function, it throw me an error of stat function fail.
As i think is the file permission problem with c:windows/temp. So, is originally php will create a temporary upload file under c:/php or c:window? It show me that when I upload file trought $_FILES['usrfile']['tmp_name'], it give me the file upload to c:/window/temp but i cant get the filesize of the upload file in c:/windows due to folder permission?
tq.Unless you placed in your php.ini that php should store temporary stuff in a file other than php/tmp wherever it is. Then if you will look you should find a tmp directory in the php folder.Hei, thank you for reply. As I have check for from the php.ini, upload_tmp_dir is c:\PHP\uploadtemp. That's why I am wonder php will temporary upload the file into c:windows rather than c:php. Mnnn, as now i have manually create a file folder at c know as uploadtemp, now it work properly.
But, I still would likes to ask does anybody have experienced of this which php doesnt aotomatically set up a dir for php temp upload while initial setup of php.
Why this situation will happen?
As I'm using IIS,window Services pack 2 with PHP5.PHP does not automatically set up temporary directories.