Upload file using jquery-ajax and path is in string

Cokam Gogic

New Member
I am working on ASP.net 2.0 web application using C#.I need to upload a file where path of the file is in string.Methos in cs file\[code\] [WebMethod] [ScriptMethod(ResponseFormat = ResponseFormat.Json)] public string SendContactUsEmail(string volume, ...., string strFileName, string message) { // Other parameter is removed in method and written ... // Need to upload file where path of the file is in string strFileName //rqContact.PakkagingfileName = $('#packagingFile').val(); = strFileName } \[/code\]Value is passed from script.js is as below:\[code\]if(reqType == '5') { rqContact.height = $('#height').val(); rqContact.PakkagingfileName = $('#packagingFile').val();}$.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: $('#webServiceUrl').val() + "/SendContactUsEmail", contentType:"multipart/form-data; charset=utf-8", //contentType:"application/json; charset=utf-8", dataType: 'json', data: JSON.stringify(rqContact), error: function(){ //alert("Error in Contact-us Ajax call"); } , success: function( response ) { trckContactUsEvent() if (form.find( '.actionurl' ).attr('name') == 'actionurlcontactus'){ Cufon.refresh('.cufon-text'); $('.resultContainer p').html(response); $('.resultContainer').attr('data-status','success'); $('.result').show(); $('.result').modal({ opacity:70, overlayCss: {backgroundColor:'#000000'}, containerId: 'simplemodal-container4', containerCss: {height:'48px'} }); }}});\[/code\]Please advise how to upload the file.Regards.