Uplevel-Browser rendering not working???


New Member
I have a form that has 2 dropdownlists. If the person selects a value in the 1st dropdownlist, it must disable the second dropdown list.<BR><BR>This only works if I include the AutoPostBack = "True" in the first drop down list, but this reloads the page.<BR><BR>Shouldn't this web control automatically be disabled using JavaScript so the page doesn't have to get another request from the server? I am using IE6 so it should definately be using uplevel-browser rendering.<BR><BR>Here is the code for you to test...<BR><script language = "vb" runat = "server"><BR><BR>Sub setSoftwareIntegratesBox(Sender as Object, E as EventArgs)<BR> SoftwareIntegrates.Enabled = 0<BR> myLabel.Text = "Has been disabled"<BR>End Sub<BR><BR></script><BR><BR><html><BR><body><BR><BR><form runat = "server"><BR><asp:dropdownlist id = "CurrentlyUseSoftware" runat = "server" onSelectedIndexChanged = "setSoftwareIntegratesBox"><BR> <asp:listitem Value = http://aspmessageboard.com/archive/index.php/"0" Text = "Please select" /><BR> <asp:listitem Value = "1" Text = "Yes" /><BR> <asp:listitem Value = "0" Text = "No" /><BR></asp:dropdownlist><BR><BR><asp:dropdownlist id = "SoftwareIntegrates" runat = "server"><BR> <asp:listitem Value = "0" Text = "Please select" /><BR> <asp:listitem Value = "1" Text = "Yes" /><BR> <asp:listitem Value = "0" Text = "No" /><BR></asp:dropdownlist><BR><BR><BR><asp:label id = "myLabel" runat = "server" /><BR><BR></form><BR><BR></body><BR></html>