Upgrade to 3.7.2


New Member

I am using vB 3.6.8 with a lot of plugins and products. I want to upgrade it to vB 3.7.2. How can I do this and where can I find upgrade files? Please guide me.
Alex-DSA said:
Install folder has upgrades files in every distributive.

Thanks Alex, but I wanted to ask something else. My question is, will not an upgrade disturb various plugins, products and mods installed in existing vbulletin?
gulfam said:
Thanks Alex, but I wanted to ask something else. My question is, will not an upgrade disturb various plugins, products and mods installed in existing vbulletin?

Alot of mods/hacks/plugins for 3.6.x are not 3.7.x compatible so yes alot could go wrong/not work, I suggest you go searching for the latest versions of the ones you have before updating.
when i upgrade my board to new version, and complate upgrade step
my version in forum footer it is old version ? !
Hoxxy said:
Alot of mods/hacks/plugins for 3.6.x are not 3.7.x compatible so yes alot could go wrong/not work, I suggest you go searching for the latest versions of the ones you have before updating.

Thank you Hoxxy!! I must look for updated versions of mods now. But I was wondering if it is possible to install a new version of vbulletin and then import only users and threads/posts into it. Can you guide me please?
.....wondering if it is possible to install a new version of vbulletin and then import only users and threads/posts into it

!!Make a full backup first!!

Admincp>>Maintenance>>Database Backup

tick the boxes you want then hit the GO button

then after you install 3.7.2 go to phpMyAdmin via your hosting panel click on your new database and import the downloaded file vbulletin.sql

!!Make a full backup first!!