Upgrade or Fresh Install?


New Member
Big question here with a scenario >.<

I have minor issues here and there with my vBulletin 3.6.8 forum and I'm considering a reinstall to clear everything up but I'd prefer not to lose my thousands of posts and hundreds of threads in doing so.

So my question is, shall I just upgrade my vBulletin and put a new theme to keep the same database and so on.

Or can I do a fresh install and somehow get JUST the members, threads, posts and so on back on the (3.7+ to be).

I believe IMPEX might do the trick here but again I'm unclear on this so please reply and lemme know.

You could simply backup your database, then install a fresh board....all you would have to do then is import your database and voila, problems solved!

I have succesfully done this in the past, so I am telling you from experience!

hope this helps a bit....please don't hesitate to ask if you need any more help ok.

Blu said:
You could simply backup your database, then install a fresh board....all you would have to do then is import your database and voila, problems solved!

I have succesfully done this in the past, so I am telling you from experience!

hope this helps a bit....please don't hesitate to ask if you need any more help ok.


Awesome quick reply mate, I really appreciate it!

But wouldn't I need the same style and mods and template edits and so on that I'd loose if I did a fresh install.

I see the database entries in phpMyadmin, now if those were imported to the new install and I tried to install the lets say hide hack again, would I have an issue in terms of the old database entries and the new ones that would be created?

After the database import, I'd get errors and so on,..or no? Which would be perfect!
Urrrrrrrrrrr.....thinking back....2 secs....

When I did this, the old skin was also backed up so that didnt need changing or updating....but don't forget, some skins are specific to the board you are using (3.7.1 - 3.7.2 etc etc) so there may be a snag......all you would have to do in that case is re-install the skin and choose to "Ignore Style Version" - easy peasy!

As for the hacks you have installed, well....from what I can remember, mine we're installed via the backup, so nothing new needed to be done....but I'd double check that info if I was you, my memory isnt what it was!

If indeed you DO have to re-install any hack, well....it's not much hardship really as they are dead easy to install anyway, and you can find what you're looking for on here I expect!

Good luck....let me know if I can help with anything else.

All good news, just to confirm...

I can simply do a fresh install of 3.7.x
Restore the database
Then install anything I wish
Enjoy all the posts, threads, forums, members, usergroups and so on I had before

If this is so, many thanks and it's alot simpler than I thought!
Yep...thats exactly how to go about it. Just remember to do a backup....now would be a great idea!! haha

Glad to help....