upgrade function not working... 3.7.4 to 3.8.0 beta 3


New Member
sorry for doppel thread....

  1. i have upload the "upload" folder to my forumroot.com - then it look like this: [forumroot.com/upload/] all subfolders are under the upload folder
  2. then configure forumroot.com/upload/config.php.new and rename it to config.php
  3. set all to chmod 0777
  4. then forumroot.com/install/upgrade.php
  5. i dont upload files in the forumroot.com/install folder

but i think the upgrade from 3.7.4. to 3.7.4. runs ?!?! after that no 3.8.0 version are displayed - not in the frontend and not in the admincp

what goes wrong??
Make sure to do a backup of your DB first.

Taken from the ReadMe -

Close your board via the Admin Control Panel.

Upload all files from the 'upload/' folder in the zip, with the exception of 'install/install.php'. Then open the 'upload/includes/' folder. In this you will find config.php.new. You should rename this to config.php and then open it in a text editor. Edit your settings appropriately.

Open your browser and point the URL to http://www.example.com/forum/install/upgrade.php (where www.example.com/forums/ is the URL of your vBulletin). You should now be automatically forwarded to the appropriate upgrade script and step.

Follow the instructions on the screen. Make sure you click next step or proceed until you are redirected to your Admin Control Panel. Here, you can reopen your board.

so yes...overwrite.
next problem - customer no

now i override all (not install.php) and run the gynsn-kg drag and drop the customer no into textfield (upgrade.php)- not working on a upgrade - on a new installation it works.

help needed. thx.

uuuups - small mistake

not all files overrides, because vergot to set 0777
and just annother problem: different collation/charset in the database. i ll correct this in myphpadmin :-)
now all works fine

here is a prog to edit all collation in the tables in a database to the correct.

open an editor copy the text in it an save it on your host/root folder. open your browser an run the script. bevor: edit the strings: db, pw, host...

##                                                                     ##
## Script coded by Eric Reiche                                         ##
##                                                                     ##
## Version: 0.2 / 2006-08-16 17:35 GMT + 100                           ##
## Version 0.2 contains bugfixes                                       ##
##                                                                     ##
## Inspired by serversupportforum.de user monotek                      ##
## ( http://www.serversupportforum.de/forum/sql/        \              ##
## 9279-kollation-von-tabellen-aendern.html#post67293 )                ##
## [Check link  for bashscript]                                        ##
##                                                                     ##
## Web: http://www.ericreiche.net  ||  Mail: [email protected]  ##
##                                                                     ##
## You can spread this script, until you don't touch this copymark     ##
##                                                                     ##

  $mysqlserver = 'localhost';    //Host
  $mysqluser = 'root';           //User [It's recomment to use root]
  $mysqlpw = 'password';                 //Password
  $mysqldb = 'database';       //Database
  $stepping = 100;               //Queries per Page
  $tabletoskip = 'really_big_table'; //If you have a really big table, you can enter it here,
                                 //it will be skipped, to prevent a script abort
  $collation = 'latin1_german2_ci';
  $character_set = 'latin1';
//End Config

# Do not change anything from here, until you know what you're doing  #
if(isset($_GET['start']) && is_numeric($_GET['start'])){
  $start = $_GET['start'];
  if($start > 0){
    $start = $start * $stepping;
  $start = 0;
//mysql connect
@mysql_connect($mysqlserver, $mysqluser, $mysqlpw) OR die("No Conncection to Server. Report: :".mysql_error());
mysql_select_db($mysqldb) OR die("couldn't select database, Report: ".mysql_error());

$i = 0;
if($start == 0){
  $sql = 'ALTER DATABASE '.$mysqldb.' DEFAULT CHARACTER SET '.$character_set.' COLLATE '.$collation.";\r\n";

$sql = 'Show tables;';
$result1 = mysql_query($sql);
while($tables = mysql_fetch_assoc($result1)){
    if($start == 0){
    $sql = 'ALTER TABLE '.$tables['Tables_in_'.$mysqldb].' DEFAULT CHARACTER SET '.$character_set.' COLLATE '.$collation.";\r\n";
  $sql = 'Show columns FROM '.$tables['Tables_in_'.$mysqldb];
  $result2 = mysql_query($sql);
  while($columns = mysql_fetch_assoc($result2)){
    if(substr_count($columns['Type'], 'varchar') || substr_count($columns['Type'], 'text')){
      if($i >= $start && $i < ($start + $stepping)){
        $sql = 'ALTER TABLE '.$tables['Tables_in_'.$mysqldb].' CHANGE '.$columns['Field'].' '.$columns['Field'].' '.$columns['Type'].' CHARACTER SET '.$character_set.' COLLATE '.$collation.';';
        if($tabletoskip != $tables['Tables_in_'.$mysqldb]){
          print('&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'.$i.'. '.$sql."\r\n");
          print('&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'.$i.'. <b>SKIPPED</b>: '.$sql."\r\n");


  print('<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?start='.($_GET['start'] + 1).'">Weiter...</a>');
