Upgrade from 3.6.8 to 3.7 Can I.


New Member
Am I able to upgrade from 3.6.8 to 3.7 safely with out risk of losing members. Would I just follow the regular upgrade instructions.
No, you should not upgrade from 3.6.x to 3.7

- First, this is just the beta version, you dont want to risk since there are many mods will not be compatiable.
- Second: There is a bug on upgrading, since I tried upgrade myself, and it turned out a mess. Luckily I back up all my data and just test it on my localhost

So think before you upgrade :D

Gud luck
upgrade worked fine on the GYSN edition.. all hacks also work fine on 3.7, only the shoutbox and casino don't work rest works like a charme........