Updating the XML file using PHP script

I'm making an interface-website to update a concert-list on a band-website.The list is stored as an XML file an has this structure : I already wrote a script that enables me to add a new gig to the list, this was relatively easy...Now I want to write a script that enables me to edit a certain gig in the list.Every Gig is Unique because of the first attribute : "id" .I want to use this reference to edit the other attributes in that Node.My PHP is very poor, so I hope someone could put me on the good foot here...My PHP script : \[code\]<?php$id = $_POST['id'];$day = $_POST['day'];$month = $_POST['month'];$year = $_POST['year'];$venue = $_POST['venue'];$xml_file="gig.xml";$fh = fopen($xml_file,'r');$current_tag=" ";function start_element($parser,$element_name,$element_attrs){ $current_tag = $element_name; if($element_name == 'GIG' && $element_attrs["ID"] == $id) { echo 'gig ID =' . $id; // here the new info has to replace the old };};if($fh) { echo "&verify=success&"; } else { echo "&verify=fail&"; }fclose($fh);?> \[/code\]