Updating records in Formview when no ObjectDataSource is used


New Member
If I have a formview that is NOT using a \[code\]ObjectDataSource\[/code\] in the aspx markup but rather a \[code\]DataTable\[/code\] like this:\[code\]Member_Information memInfo = new Member_Information();Guid _memberId = Guid.Empty;_memberId = new Guid(lboxNewUsers.SelectedValue);System.Data.DataTable dt = memInfo.MemberInfoById(_memberId);fvReviewMemberDetail.DataSource = dt;fvReviewMemberDetail.DataBind();\[/code\]What is the best way to fetch the data from the controls within the formview? I thought perhaps \[code\]fvReviewMemberDetail.FindControl("mytextbox")\[/code\] but how do you differentiate controls between \[code\]<ItemTemplate>\[/code\] and \[code\]<EditItemTemplate>\[/code\] templates. Obviously fornview would be in edit mode but the controls have same id across the two templates. I have to noe that I've searched google but a string such as \[code\]not using ObjectDataSource\[/code\] doesn't understand the NOT part.